Fun Fact: the money has the pictures of the whole family.


After spending an evening in a friend’s house playing to “PASTA GANSA”, she had at her 8 years old, the need to develop her own game based on exchanges of money.


First movie she remembers ever properly watching or discussing characters.

Princess Mononoke, Hayao Miyazaki (1997).




The reading skill had not been developed, but that didn’t stop her from experiencing the Infinite Book: every time she picked it up, it was a different story.

The library of the school inaugurated a week before summer and she picked the biggest book on the shelf. She had to read the 500 pages in one take, when she barely read before.

Mission accomplished.

After some intense reading years, she starts writing her own stories…



more to come

The Idhun Chronicles, Laura Gallego (2004).