C.D. La Magdalena is a football club in a small city near Valencia.

In one of the subjects from my university, they asked my team to take a brand and help them with their image. 
Through an extensive investigation, we understood where they lacked and were they could improve.

We created three different documents. 
A manual of identity where we established all the data from the company, such as the history (told in a creative way), their mission, vision, and values. We also explained the necessity to work with this type of document and how to do it. It helped them to also understand their tone, market position, guidelines, and culture.
In order to achieve a smooth profile, where the feed was taken care of, but also there was a continuity, we developed a social media plan. This included content and structure guidelines for each social media (including the website) and a calendar with the best recommended hours, posts and frecuency. 
Identity is only powerful when it's structured. That's the reason we created a document explaining how to present the name, logo, and claim of the brand to others. We showed them how to make combinations with topics and brands if possible and how to do it. We also chose the colors and fonts for all communication as well as the graphics, pictures or merchandising.

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